Monday, November 28, 2005

You're Still Gullible

I love eclectech. But I'm not a stalker. Honest.

No, a while back I championed Doghorse's version of "You're Gullible", a wicked parody of James Bl(o)unt's nasty little pondslime of a song. I should stop mincing my words. It'll be good for me.

Anyway, eclectech - animal masher to the stars - has put together a flash animation of the song with added tomato-throwing interactivity that borders on the cathartic. Watch this work of near-genius and sing/throw along by clicking on these differently coloured words. There. That's how the internet works. Educative and informative. What more do you want? Casual sex?

Pimp My Coffin

Americans. Always going too far in the death thing. Here we have a company that specialises in wildly bespoke coffins and caskets so you can go out in style. The're called the The Original Oxford Coffins Company, and they've got an 0800 number which means... (gulps hard) they aren't American at all, but British. Oh, Christ on a unicycle: what is this country coming to?

To answer the question in the scariest way possible, click here and wince.

The country's going to the dogs, I tell you.

I've been to paradise, but I've never been to me. Or Portsmouth, for that matter.

County map
I've visited the counties in yellow.
Which counties have you visited?

made by marnanel
map reproduced from Ordnance Survey map data
by permission of the Ordnance Survey.
© Crown copyright 2001.

Friday, November 25, 2005

United States Patent: 6,960,975

I'm sorry but I don't get this. Do they not check patents anymore? Well, if they do, the guy who checks them was having a off day when United States Patent: 6,960,975 came through.

Where's Michael J Fox when you need him? "Flux modulation controllers" indeed.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Life Inside a Water Bottle

I like the internet. No, I do. Honest. Why? It's full of people less lazy than me; which is, in a way, the purpose of this blog. People do interesting stuff that I can't be arsed to do, and I bring them to your attention, because you can't be arsed to find them. So; when will you marry me?

Sorry. I got confused. Bear with me here.

Right. Where was I? Yes. Thomas Mottl. He's a photographer. And like me, he's wondered what it was like to see life from the inside of a water bottle. Unlike me, he didn't think this at work. I did once. I asked a random colleague about what it must be like in there, got looked at oddly and I shuffled back to my desk feeling a bit stoopid. See what my life is like?

Also unlike me, Thomas did something about it (get the feeling I'm trying to tell myself something here?) and produced a marvellous 360º panorama. It's a bit crazy, and mighty wondrous. I've linked to the intro page. Read how he did it there to whet your appetite and then click the link on the page to view it.


Personalized Punk Rock Doggy Hoodies! Whew!

I kid you not:
"Sweatshirt or Fleece Dog Hoodies. Your dog doesn't look stupid wearing them."
I beg to differ. Go on - see for yourself.

Monday, November 21, 2005

A neat piece of common sense from Penn Jillette

I like Penn Jillette. I seem to remember liking his daughter's name some time ago. So imagine my delight when he said this on NPR today:
"You can't prove that there isn't an elephant inside the trunk of my car. You sure? How about now? Maybe he was just hiding before. Check again. Did I mention that my personal heartfelt definition of the word 'elephant' includes mystery, order, goodness, love and a spare tire?"
A nice start to a very thoughtful essay.

Catch the bit on forgiveness. I wish I could do that all the time. Still, I get the bit about getting it right first time. It's really important to me.

Read it here.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A game to make you late for work

Simple game - 9 boxes, numbered 1-9. Throw 2 dice, and close any boxes that will add up to the scores on the dice. The game ends when you're stuck and you can't make the boxes add up any more. Play Shut the Box here.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Well, DUH!

You scored as atheism. You are... an atheist, though you probably already knew this. Also, you probably have several people praying daily for your soul.

Instead of simply being "nonreligious," atheists strongly believe in the lack of existence of a higher being, or God.

Hey: like this came as a surprise to me. Click the slightly over-literal graphic to take the test for yourself.

There's some funny people out there, pt 326

A big "yoo-hoo!" to, a list of the girls the webmaster would shag.

Er, that's it.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

She's causing trouble again!

Oh, heck. Middle sister's causing trouble. Actually, scrub that, she's performing a necessary service. I shan't explain Whirl-Mart, as a good explanation of what she's up to is available here, and it reads as good as anything I could write on the subject.

Once you've read that, take a look at a Whirl-Mart action she put together in Helsinki.

What fun. Or what a bunch of loons, depending on your standpoint.

Me? I'm proud to be her brother. You do right, Ange.

Donnez la boule à l'homme chauve!

Hello, football types. Ever had a kickaround and imagined you're playing with the world's best? You know, like Brian Glover in Kes? Well, sometimes dreams come true - as they did for this bunch of blokes who found themselves having a kickaround with Gallic pre-penalty vomiter and all-round balding genius Zinedine Zidane. Actually, for the guys in the other side, it's a complete nightmare. Poor lambs. Watch and giggle (or wince) as Zizou makes a complete arse of a bunch of Sunday League players here.

Now you know the meaning of "in a different class".

"You're gullible..."

Not too keen on James Bl(o)unt, me. Never was. I find him anodyne in the extreme compared with a talent like David Ford (iTunes store link). So imagine my joy when I heard Gullible, a spot-on parody of Mr Bl(o)unt's hype-driven nonsense by the highly mischievous Doghorse.

I'm considering playing this live; but I may not survive the night.

Friday, November 11, 2005

I was fooled

Not only is my tinfoil helmet useless against aliens, it is also a possibility that I may be a tool of the US Government. Read on, peasant.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Best. Cover. Version. Ever.

Oh, this is fantastic.

Playmobil - Security Check Point

I offer this post without comment.

Wear Your Cat

There's an interesting prospect. And no, this isn't about to get the animal rights people screaming - for I am bringing to your attention an enterprising little company called VIP Fibers Inc, who make yarn out of your pet's fur. It's an interesting proposition, and far better than the mess my cat leaves on a daily basis. Check them out here.

Now, given the size of my cat how many YEARS would it take to make a decent sweater?

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Wrestlers of Mexico City

They RAWK!


Dawn of the Knitted Dead

You know, I like obsessive people. I'm one in a kind of benign, non-compulsive way. And Hannah here is another one. I like her. Now, I'm a bit of a fan of George A Romero. Martin is my favourite film, personally. That's because I'm a bit odd, I suppose. And because I like Soft Cell's take on the film (link to iTunes music store snippet).

Anyhoo, Hannah J Simpson seems to be cut of similar cloth to me. And she's produced her own homage to Dawn Of The Dead. In wool. No, really: she has. And it's really quite spiffing. Take a look.

See? Spiffing.

The Cars from Wacky Races! In Paper! Wow!

Three guesses who might be getting the Pritt Stick out this weekend. For some wonderful person has made a bunch of templates for paper models of the cars from Wacky Races, which was required viewing for me back in the '70s

Take a look here and, hey: leave a comment if you make one.

Paula Orpington. Very odd.

Can anybody explain this ?

Francophones are more than welcome to try.

Gadget city!

It's amazing what you can get for your USB port these days. How's about an air freshener?

I want one. Whatever next: printing from your USB port?

Friday, November 04, 2005

I've just gone off bread

And believe me, you would too if you saw these...