Thursday, August 31, 2006

my little nazi dolls

Craigslist has some funny people on it. Not least this guy who collects Nazi dolls - sorry, action figures.
"i have to hide them when my family comes to visit, or else they'll think i am retarded."
Well, it's lucky you didn't put them on the internet then, isn't it?

How'd Ya Like Them Apples?

CCC. I've mentioned him before - internet prankster (the Monkey Man of Tonbridge Wells, anyone?), and mashup artist extraordinaire. Well, he's got a "best of" album put together, made up of his best mashes: and it's free.

Get it. It's good. Really good. I mean it.

Download Sweetest Apples here

Then download the cover art and make a proper album.

He's so good to us.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Man City's gay recruitment drive

When I lived in the USA, my support for Manchester City brought about the odd misunderstanding. Not least because of my habit of abbreviating it - frankly, people thought it was a gay bar. So, to avoid crossed wires, I decided not to press for the vanity plate I wanted for the Subaru.

Now, you can imagine, when I read this, I did a bit of a double-take. Not least because of the Lardbucket Moyles's perjorative misappropriation of the word. But no: Manchester City have announced, during Manchester Pride, that they are the first professional football club to join Stonewall's Diversity Champions scheme.

About time too. I've long been embarrassed by the way that my fellow supporters resort to homophobic abuse at the drop of a hat, and I hope that this commitment to diversity will make supporting City a less toe-curling experience.

That's two results in a weekend I'm chuffed about.


Everything makes sense at elvischrist.

I feel honoured. Blessed. Praise be to Elvis.

The World's Gone Mad

The World's Gone Mad, part the first:

About a year ago, in a fit of the giggles, I recorded a version of Oasis's Don't Look Back In Anger. It's rough in places: I'd just batted off a hangover after a few too many post-performance beers the night before, but I enjoyed doing it.

Anyway: it has been a bit inexplicably popular on the web. At one time, I kept track of it through the stats on my website: but too much obsession with that leads to control-freakery and stuff like that. So I just laid it to rest and got on with my life. Until this morning, that is, when I fired up my web host's control panel and saw this:

Jebus. There's some odd people out there. That's just for August 2006, by the way.

The World's Gone Mad, part the second:

I am now quoted as a source on Wikipedia. WTF?

New Music. At last...

It's been a while, hasn't it? I mean, it's not as if I've been doing nothing... It's just.. Well...

I've been on a secret mission. Abroad. Anyway, here's something new.

Friends Reunited

It's a wryly angry little number. Don't download it if you don't like swearwords. Mind you, if you don't like swearwords, don't come to my house. I'm prone to the... vernacular, shall we say?

As usual, enjoy.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Friday, August 11, 2006

Symantec cripple the Church of England

Oh, dear, oh, dear. Oh, dear.

Apparently there's been a screw-up at Virus-Busting Central.

Vicars are angry.

Grasp the mouse, peasant: read on.

Inconvenienced are the overly cautious: for they shall cancel all their credit cards. (Book of Quin, 1:2)

Free drugs!

That got your attention. I got your number.

OK, not quite, as this is pharma-free, but it's a bit wild. Just click on the link, and follow the instructions.

Trippy, man.

Thursday, August 03, 2006