Thursday, June 26, 2008


In autumn I see you
Stumbling at sight's edge;
Tiny one, mud-pie dirty.
Scuffed shoes.
Gritblack nails.

I turn and you vanish - 
A leafy shadow, 
A grainy dapple
That reminds me that, 
Although you died within,
You comfort me with your presence.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


., originally uploaded by corvidophile.

As self portraits go, not bad at all, girl.

It's more than a bit Man Ray.


Tethered, originally uploaded by sp3ccylad.

Some people might view this rather odd image, snapped on the roof of Britannia Buildings in Huddersfield, as a metaphor. Not me.

Oooh, no.

The New Boris

Here's a turnup for the books. Boris can say what he bloody well likes for years, and the moment one of his advisers says the sort of thing he used to do, he's out.

This is just a bit weird for me. Guess he won't be saying "piccaninnies" any time soon.


Originally uploaded by sp3ccylad
This is why I take cameras into pub toilets.

Honest, your honour.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lousy story, great soundbite.

BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Australia ire over chef's f-words

"Senator Bernardi claimed that one episode had contained 'the f-word' 80 times in 40 minutes.

'And I'm not referring to fondue,' he said"


Saturday, June 14, 2008

My wasted life?

If you'd told me back in June 2005 that by now I'd have spent five whole days listening to David Ford...

Have a play yourself - here.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

My life, already?

Ah, but what a song. And what a video, too. That wallpaper. That shirt.
