Tuesday, July 20, 2004

I've landed!

Yes, I've started that new job. Actually, I've been in my new job for over two weeks: and I haven't done a thing. This is not to be construed as a criticism. Quite the opposite, actually. I've been a bit of a guinea pig, involved in a new training programme that has attempted to ram the basics of the job into my thick skull. That's some undertaking, I think you'll agree. I look on it as a vote of confidence, to be honest - the chance to put my brain to some use.

That's what really got to me in my last position. I was so unhappy with the atmosphere in the job - there was an air of constant suspicion: a sense that if you dared to show any spirit, any thought, you were marking yourself out for - how can I put this - special attention. I have informal sources that tell me that the air amongst certain management tiers in my old workplace was "what can we get people on?" Which, I'm sure you can agree is not the best way to solve problems. Cause them, maybe. Solve them, no. Doubly so when taxpayers' money is involved.

I'm quite the idealist at heart. I joined local government because if I was going to sell my time, I wanted to sell my time making a bit of a difference. And this is the thing: I got accused, on regular occasions, of cynicism, by the very people carrying out the informal "what can we get people on" policy. There's a big difference between having the intelligence to see a worst outcome and having a heart black enough to believe people want that as a matter of course. But every time I planned in any way to at least go into a situation with eyes open, I was called cynical. Cynical's setting traps for people. Cynical's using procedure to stifle debate. That's cynical.

I was only saying to my new boss today (who's a thoroughly decent chap, btw) that I believe in the essential goodness of most people. People might do bad things, but they want to be good. Sometimes they get trapped in a cycle of bad stuff, but they still want to be good. To be honest, I don't see much point in using up oxygen in a world where people are cynical as a matter of course. I mean, what's the point? Where does it get you?

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