Monday, January 23, 2006

A podcast...

Welcome to Maggie Osterberg's International Underground - a podcast featuring independent artists in their own words.

Enhanced AAC - MP3
Put this link in your podcast thingy to subscribe

This edition:
"The music, wit and wisdom of Sp3ccylad.

From the wilds of Huddersfield, UK comes avant-pop savant Sp3ccylad ("speccy-lad"), who talks about his approach to making music, living life and being "The Hendrix of The Kazoo."

Don't miss his masterclass on how to record kazoo with GarageBand!"
Who? Oh, just listen. It's good.

1 comment:

Fran / Blue Gal said...

Fab. Just fab. Blue Gal will pimp this on Friday so expect some weekend list'ners. xoxo