Saturday, February 25, 2006

Thunderbirds! (But not as I knew it)

Ah, Thunderbirds. It scared me as a pre-school tot. Sensitive, y'see. Then I got into it as a junior school kid. Loved it. Later, in my early teens, I watched it with ironic detachment; gleefully counting the number of puppets dashed to matchwood whilst shaking my head and commenting on how violent television had become.

I was an odd child, I suppose.

Anyway, this is the title sequence. Only it's in Spanish. Did my head in a bit, truth be told. Notice Spanish kids have to have an announcer tell them who the cast members are. Jeeze: can't they read English?

Ah. S'pose not.

As an aside, I once very fleetingly (I was 16) went out with a girl (that's not the end of the anecdote, by the way - that kind of thing has happened quite frequently since, he adds slightly too hastily) and her dad was, and still is, a film editor. He told me that he once had the mind-numbing task of slicing the ad-breaks into Thunderbirds. Drove him near barmy finding the right cliff-hanger point in each episode in which to do it (can you even imagine the torture?), but he could do a perfect Scott Tracy head-wobble as a result. And believe me, it was good.

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