Monday, September 29, 2008

It must be September...

David Ford, Union Chapel 2, originally uploaded by sp3ccylad.

If it's September, it must be Fordtime. Indeed, more to the point, if it's 26th September: for last Friday marked not only David Ford's only headline UK show for the remainder of the year, but also the anniversary of Ford's quite incredible secret gig at Sleepers in Huddersfield.

It was massively significant for me too, because I made a decision that day after a conversation I had at that gig. It had all slipped into paradox, as the conversation was clearly designed to achieve the opposite, but he wasn't to know what effect his words were having on me. You see, I'd been given plenty of time to think in what must be the biggest single miscalculation anybody's ever applied to me: so I decided; no more being mucked about, no more tolerance of any old behaviour, no more unpleasant surprises. It took a shockingly short amount of time for that decision, and my commitment to that decision, to be tested.

In fact, I was reminded of that in the funniest way on Friday, when a friend I made that night - she tried to give me money; which is always a winning opening gambit with me - said that she was in Wetherspoons on John William Street trying to work out Huddersfield's geography when "this hat flashed past at some speed. That was when I knew which direction the gig was..."

I laughed and said "I shan't tell you why, but I was in the foulest of foul moods at that point, which explained the speed. But it's gone now. I'm OK."

And it has. Friday was a day I doubted I'd see in this buoyant a mood. One year on, and I feel back to an old self I don't think I've seen in 20 years, a quieter, less forceful me. One who feels in control, and not forever desperately grabbing at unsustainability. Somebody happy enough with himself to do what he thinks is right - not cool, daring, or even exciting. Just right.

I know what makes me happy. It's me. Nobody else. You're welcome along for the ride, but just enjoy me for what I am. 

And if you ever wish I was somebody else, then go find that person instead. Deal?

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