"It's not completely anatomically accurate. I've taken a few liberties with the general shape and scale, as well as leaving out the ligaments connected to the ovaries. And, of course, the human uterus is not normally bubblegum pink."
Damn skippy. I've been present at a C-sction. It's definitely purple.
ummmm ....
*bores a big, icky hole in the top of his head through scratching it in a genrally nonplussed manner*
Le Vic
PS. In case you hadn't been bothered to find it ... the link is ....
wait for it ....
have fun, in the way that only a bloke with a giant pet robot can :D
*goes back to muching whole swiss rolls and scratching in a manly manner*
It's kind of disturbingly cuddly!
The uteri I've seen were usually a more darker pink colour. But ones I saw were no longer in-utero (as it were), so maybe with blood circulating through them they are indeed purple. Without wishing to get gross about it obviously. What next? Crocheted testes?
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