Sunday, February 19, 2006


New music time, people. And about time too.

So what I have done? It's a big mish-mash of all sorts, this one. And I love it.

Let's let someone I really respect do the talking. Take it away, Boris:
"you realize that is going to be "shivering on the tip of my tongue" for the next three days?
this was just such a knockout smack that it demanded to be listened to again. and seriously, again! very unexpected and very smartly fit.

'what have you done?' well, you've successfully lifted Beatle elements and made them into your own. from the Taxmanish bass line, to the "yeah, yeah, yeah's," this easily puts a walrus in any Beatle fan's pocket without ever saying "i'm trying to be a beatles song."

there's a couple of specifics worth mentioning: your voice is just great here. i love the pacing, clarity, and charm. well presented! the word "girlfriend" is just brilliantly placed.

also, the way the piece moves is very sexy. it's got a swagger about it that exudes unforgiving attitude. it's got a "2bad, 2sad" vibe going on, while still being a quartful of fun.

great song art, as well. is there anything bad i can say about this? well, i'm not a horns fan. i tend to steer away from them (hmm, joke in there? horns, steer, bull?) but they are the charm and lure of the song and work very well in doing their job.

this was just a lot of fun and very well performed! thank you!! the more i play this one, the better it gets! another inspiring piece to chew on like good jerky."
Phew. I think he likes it.


Fran / Blue Gal said...

I love this one. Love it. (Is that unambiguous enough for you?)

Watch for some pimping, doll baby. xoxo

Fran / Blue Gal said...

Link is up.