Friday, December 29, 2006

Looking Back, part 3

25th May 2006. I escape from work, and look forward to a few days off. I don't like to work on my birthday: in fact I never do, but I thought it politic to take some annual leave, rather than doing what I usually do.

I remember thinking that it was an extraordinarily beautiful day: Greenhead Park was full of people playing. Not just children, but people of all ages were out, just goofing off. This was a Thursday, for crying out loud. Something was up, and I liked it.

Then something odd happened. As I stood there, things seemed to morph into my old University campus: days spent blissed out watching the world... change.

They warned me about this kind of thing, but it always happens to other people, doesn't it? I don't scare easily though. So I rushed home and recorded the guitar riff that was now sounding like bells in my head. Soon after I hit this tornado of concentration and had to be hauled out of the studio to eat. By midnight, I'd gone from flashback and one riff to a full song.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you: I Fall Through Clouds.

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