Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A lucky escape...

I was off out on Friday - a daft little outing involving heavy balls and ten pins with Indian nosh for afters. Harmless fun. I nearly had a shave before. Been growing a beard, y'see. So, rather than succumb to the whim, I took a shower while I decided.

Anyway, once I'd scrubbed up I realised I didn't look bad and went out. Saw a few people who hadn't really clapped eyes on me since the release of Fnurgled.

"Jeeze" came the response. "You look like a '70s rock god." Slight hyperbole (ok, major), but appreciation nonetheless.

Then the paper arrived this morning (I still buy newsprint! How quaint!) and the cover story in G2 told how beards have become the New Black for Men.

You can imagine my confidence is getting dangerously close to hubris right now.

Oh, c'mon. I deserve a moment, don't I?

The picture? Oh, just an East Midlander who looked good in a beard...

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