Sunday, October 17, 2004

The UK Independence Party

Apparently this little act of URL-snaffling has enraged those tossers at UKIP so much they're making vague threats. And I mean vague - catch the "non-specific" nature of the following...

Tony Bennett, who (when he isn't singing) is Research Assistant to Robert Kilroy-Silk writes:

"I represent Mr Kilroy-Silk and the U.K. Independence Party. You are advised that your site will be reported to the Police and we are currently taking the advice of a libel barrister as to its contents."

The Police? Really? I wonder what Andy Summers would say?

Then he adds:

"I am a Solicitor as well as a research assistant."

I feel it is impossible to say that sentence out loud and keep a straight face. As a final flourish he says:

"You may wish to consider removing the site forthwith."

The content? It's an excerpt from Chris Morris's Jam series with a URL like theirs. Jeeze, UKIP: fucking grow up: and get some proper policies while you're at it.

(Respect to Rob Manuel at for giving a much wider audience to this pathetic attempt at bullying.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Tony Bennett man has issued a failed private prosecution against the McCann family, he was for a time solicitor to Terry Lubbock, however got his marching orders in July 2007.