Wednesday, December 29, 2004

It's just an mp3 fest, this holiday period

And the latest is a joy to behold. Shaggy meets The Beatles in a way that complements the both (and I speak this as a previously-admitted Beatles nerd of some 25 years brewing). It's joyous.

I always thought that the content of Shaggy's It Wasn't Me was dodgy at best, mysogynist at worst. Then I heard the joy that was Macca giving a way out to both parties - just as when his song was written, after a dream about his mum - and I just laughed, in the way you do when you know something is right.

So here it is. A rare treasure. Do take advantage. Please. (mp3, 3.5 MB)

1 comment:

srah said...

Have you already heard - or possibly even already linked to - this? I'm downloading the mp3s right now, so I can't tell you yet if they're any good!