Friday, December 24, 2004

That'll teach you just to play the drums

So, what do you do with your life if you spent most of the Sgt Pepper's sessions playing cards with Neil Aspinall and Mal Evans?

That's right: record cheesy Christmas messages for NORAD! Obvious, really.

Still: it's a better career plan than anybody else in Rory Storme and the Hurricanes had back in 1962: and it has to be better than Butlin's in Skegness.*

*Beatles nerd alert!


JustSue said...

Just dropped in via BE to wish you a very happy Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Nevermind cheesy - how about potentially offensive?

I've lost count of the amount of people who have been pissed off by the fact that he's telling the world that Ireland (Republic) is part of Great Britain.

.: Marie :.

Anonymous said...

Hey.. Happy Christmas! Thanks for the note! I think I may just love you also!! (like how I'm using exclamation marks for everything? I thought so)
