Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Email from - #2 in an occasional series

Off she goes again!
"what is your real age and what gender are you female or male and can you please tell my you are sending me e-mails my brother and my boyfriend are getting pissed of with you and i am only young so please tell who you are and how are you are"
How are you are? Uh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was going say that she can't be that old if she abuses English like that. However, judging by the current state of Britain's literacy levels, she could probably pass herself off as being 20 with consumate ease.

The fact that she has a boyfriend is also neither here nor there. I gather from recent press articles that most 14 year old girls have more sexual experience than your average Rabbit.

This is assuming that she's actually from the UK of course! Ah, the eternal mysteries of t'interweb.