Monday, March 28, 2005

A stroke of genius

Expressing pop songs in outliner format:
"# things u don't have 2 be:
* beautiful
* experienced
* rich
* cool
# in order 2:
* turn me on
* turn me out
* be my girl
* rule my world
# things 2 do:
* leave it all up 2 me
* act your age
# things not 2 do:
* talk dirty
* be 2 flirty
* act your shoe size
# things you don't have 2 watch 2 have an attitude:
* dynasty
# sign that i'm more compatible with:
* none
# what i want that is yours:
* your body
- between dusk and dawn
* extra time
* kiss"
There's tons of them there. It amused me.

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