Friday, December 16, 2005

Separated at birth: Sp3ccylad and...who?

Well - what a surreal and upsetting start to my day. After hanging out at the disreputable street corner that is, I took his advice and tried out some face recognition software.

Anyway - I uploaded my photo, waited... Only to be told I was a 70% match for Salvador Dali. Uh? What? Then, delving down the list of close matches, it gave me John Ashcroft. John Ashcroft.

You know, it was like my mac was participating in some bizarre version of Newman and Baddiel's History Today sketch. "You see that Spanish surrealist, the one with the idiotic moustache and the permanently surprised facial expression? That's you, that is. That's you when you go to gigs in Huddersfield."

So there you go. Should you want to try out this frankly puzzling piece of tripe, it's here. You never know - it might work for you. Or it might tell you you look like Pol Pot.

John Ashcroft (mutters death threats).

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