Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Germans have no sense of humour

Bollocks. Of course they have. My wife is half-German and her choices in all three of her husbands display a developing wry humour. I, of course, am the pinnacle of all this - the punchline, if you will. God knows she's no desire to build on the joke.

Then there's my mother-in-law: her linguistically tortured observations on American life and every state other than Oregon and Alaska (and sometimes Alaska got it in the neck) had me in stitches regularly. "Eye-da-ho? Zhey farm dirt zhere! Fockin' cotton-pickin po-day-does..." My mother-in-law, by the way, was the only woman who could mix "cotton-pickin'" and "fucking" in the same sentence convincingly.

Anyway: you want links? Oh; you dirty link-whores.

Here's one. Look at this photo first.
mad woman

Ugh. Anyway given photoshop and a bit of imagination, a bunch of people came up with this.

Well, I enjoyed it.

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