Friday, November 26, 2004

How to do the sex, Japanese style

This isn't safe for work. Trust me. It's a vintage Japanese sex manual, complete with inexplicable diagrams and contextual oddness. Honestly, if this is how people learned how to do the sex over there, then it's a wonder the entire Japanese nation hasn't died out.

What is the birth rate over there, by the way?


MaxedOutMama said...

The birth rate in Japan is quite low, but I believe that's due to economic factors not poor sex manuals. The average age at which a woman gives birth to her first child is 28, I believe. Their total population is projected to start falling in about a decade if current trends continue.

Dancing Shadow said...

Hehe!! Very funny.
Just dropped in from Blog Explosion. I'm in Huddersfield too. Just wondering if you'd care to tell us a bit more about yourself?
I'll be sure to keep checking in for more humorous bits of stuff.

My Site

Jeramey said...

That is some interesting stuff there, very interesting manual. I'll make sure not to use any of it.

srah said...

Hee hee hee... love the commentary.