Monday, November 15, 2004

How It Works...The Computer

I love Ladybird books. Best thing ever to come out of Loughborough - even better than Louise Rainbow. When I was a kid, I took very little else out of the library. I was a literal-minded, near-autistic geek even then.

So I was dead chuffed to find the entirety of How It Works...The Computer reproduced here. This book was one that - if I remember correctly - I actually owned (1971 edition). I think it was a present by a well-meaning relative to attempt to "get me into computers." Stupid fools: what were they meddling with? Anyway: check out the small digital computer designed for the businessman, and imagine what his iPod looked like... My. How times change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I've always wondered how you spelled the place that sounded like "luff-budah." Seriously.
