Sunday, November 28, 2004

Your chance to buy... Impression of Jesus on a Fishstick:
"One evening while I was cooking supper for my children and others, things became crazy, the phone was ringing, people were at the door and supper was burning. I attended to supper then called the children into eat. As I was serving the fishsticks and fries I asked who wanted more burnt fishsticks with a chuckle. No one wanted anymore and as I turned the last one over I realized there was a face on it. I showed the kids and eventhough I was stunned this made me think... it resembled Christ."
Oh, good grief.


Anonymous said...

It looks alot like Bill Pullman to me.
The second coming, mayhap?


Anonymous said...

You could make a fortune selling that on eBay..


Fracture said...

I've seen the picture. It looks like Captain Highliner. Of course, it makes about as much sense to worship him as Jesus...